Writing Magazine  |  November 2024
Explore the dark side in writing with the new issue of Writing Magazine! The November issue explores writing ghost stories, catches up with Patricia Cornwell, the queen of forensic detection in crime, looks at inspirations for writing noir and investigates the creation of a theatre ghost. The issue also delves into solutions for issues that cast a shadow over your writing experience: having your work rejected and pre-publication terrors. As well, you’ll find creative masterclasses on finding your flow, writing everyday voices, creating antagonists and much more.
On the industry side, the November issue celebrates self-publishing success as well as offers a round up of the latest competitions, calls for submissions and chances to see your work in print. Don’t miss it – give yourself the chance to take your writing as far as it can go.
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From poetry to fiction, memoirs to short stories, writing is a beautiful art that takes many shapes and forms, but it can also be a difficult art to master, and that’s where Writing Magazine comes in. Created by real experts who understand how hard it can be to get the creative juices flowing and those brilliant ideas down on paper and how much harder it can be to get them out into the world - Writing Magazine is dedicated to helping writers of all levels perfect their craft and have it enjoyed by others.
In every issue you’ll find writing exercises, practical tips and real-life advice from the experts, to help you improve your skills, motivate you through those difficult patches and get your work out there for the world to enjoy.
You’ll also find all the latest news from the publishing industry, information on writing events, competitions for work submissions and paid writing opportunities from around the world. So no matter what your level, beginner or expert, if you love writing then you need a digital subscription to Writing Magazine today!
Try a subscription to Writing Magazine today and every month you can enjoy all of this:
- Writing masterclasses from some of the country’s best experts
- Practical tips and tricks for honing your writing skills
- Information about paid writing opportunities
- The latest industry news and events listings
- Letters from other readers on their writing journey
- Useful exercises used by professional writers
- Top tips for getting your work published
- Competitions where you can enter your creative pieces
- The latest issue direct to your device every month
- A discount off the RRP price
You'll receive 12 issues during a 1 year Writing Magazine magazine subscription.
Note: Digital editions do not include the covermount items or supplements you would find with printed copies.
Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Writing Magazine November 2024.