Woodworking Crafts Magazine  |  Issue 089
In issue 89 of Woodworking Crafts you’ll find plenty to inspire and inform your crafts. In Projects, Kevin Alviti makes a beehive-shaped garden composter; Cedric Boyns uses his scrollsaw to carve out a dolphin puzzle box; Charles Mak makes a kinetic figure of a woodturner; Fred and Julie Byrne make a squirrel-themed house name plate; Franciszek de Sage restores a William-and-Mary-style chest on a stand; woodturner and fishing enthusiast Colwin Way turns a set of fishing accessories; David Barron makes a bench from a long slab of oak; and Richard Bates makes a traditional ladder-back chair from green wood.
In our Techniques articles, Mark Palma shares his guide to workshop adhesives; Anthony Bailey explains how to draw up a cutting list for any project; Rick Rich demonstrates the techniques for turning tool handles; and Giacomo Malaspina looks at the tools and techniques needed for hot veneering.
In Features, we meet carver, green woodworker, teacher and author Harald Lamon; we hear how former accountant Iain Stirling made the leap from corporate to creative when he founded Chapelhill Fine Furniture; and Randy Maxey reviews a set of hand planes from the Melbourne Tool Company.
All this and more in issue 89 of Woodworking Crafts!
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