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Hobbies & Crafts

Woodturning Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
344 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
From €3,92 per numero
Woodturning is the world’s best-selling magazine for woodturners. Read by turning enthusiasts in over 60 countries worldwide, Woodturning is packed with easy to follow practical projects, and essential advice for both the hobby woodturner and the professional. Every issue includes features on turners around the world, plus well-illustrated techniques, news, reader feedback, detailed tests and reviews. Woodturning excels at appealing to the club community of its readers and actively encourages reader participation in its pages.
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Issue 401 In issue 401 of Woodturning magazine we have lots for you to enjoy, beginning with our Guest Editor, Richard Findley, who welcomes you to the issue; and continues his skew chisel skill building series by making spinning tops. In Projects, Andrew Potocnik makes a split-turned bowl from red gum; Les Symonds creates an Art Deco-style jug; John Hawkswell decorates a walnut vase with a veneer inset; Sue Harker turns a segment-shaped bud vase; Rita Duxbury turns a natural-edge lighthouse ornament; Cedric Boynes makes a tricky ‘captured’ goblet within a goblet; and Ger Vervoort turns a latticed oyster box. In our Techniques section, Kurt Hertzog answers readers’ questions; Andy Coates uses miniature tools to create a selection of small pieces; and Mark Palma explores methods to deter colour bleed through. In Features, we learn how Ashley Harwood has built a turning business selling tools, tuition and beautiful pieces; Emiliano Achaval reviews the Woodcut Bowl Saver; Andy Coates takes an in-depth look at the new Record Power Sabre 300 bandsaw; and Pete Moncrieff-Jury ponders how to assess worth. We also have a sneak peek at our next issue, plus news from the Worshipful Company of Turners and information about the Mark Baker Woodturner of the Year Award, a competition in honour of the former Editor of Woodturning, with £4,000 worth of prizes to be won. All this and more in Woodturning 401!

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Issue Cover

Woodturning  |  Issue 401  

In issue 401 of Woodturning magazine we have lots for you to enjoy, beginning with our Guest Editor, Richard Findley, who welcomes you to the issue; and continues his skew chisel skill building series by making spinning tops.

In Projects, Andrew Potocnik makes a split-turned bowl from red gum; Les Symonds creates an Art Deco-style jug; John Hawkswell decorates a walnut vase with a veneer inset; Sue Harker turns a segment-shaped bud vase; Rita Duxbury turns a natural-edge lighthouse ornament; Cedric Boynes makes a tricky ‘captured’ goblet within a goblet; and Ger Vervoort turns a latticed oyster box.

In our Techniques section, Kurt Hertzog answers readers’ questions; Andy Coates uses miniature tools to create a selection of small pieces; and Mark Palma explores methods to deter colour bleed through.

In Features, we learn how Ashley Harwood has built a turning business selling tools, tuition and beautiful pieces; Emiliano Achaval reviews the Woodcut Bowl Saver; Andy Coates takes an in-depth look at the new Record Power Sabre 300 bandsaw; and Pete Moncrieff-Jury ponders how to assess worth.

We also have a sneak peek at our next issue, plus news from the Worshipful Company of Turners and information about the Mark Baker Woodturner of the Year Award, a competition in honour of the former Editor of Woodturning, with £4,000 worth of prizes to be won.

All this and more in Woodturning 401!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Woodturning is the world’s best-selling magazine for woodturners. Read by turning enthusiasts in over 60 countries worldwide, Woodturning is packed with easy to follow practical projects, and essential advice for both the hobby woodturner and the professional. Every issue includes features on turners around the world, plus well-illustrated techniques, news, reader feedback, detailed tests and reviews. Woodturning excels at appealing to the club community of its readers and actively encourages reader participation in its pages.

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Basato su 344 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Highly entertaining

Really great for all those interested in Woodworking Recensito 19 aprile 2022


When I started woodturning this was a very educational place to learn. Great information Recensito 04 novembre 2021


Interesting content and projects, excellent photos and illustrations, suitable for many levels of turners. Recensito 26 febbraio 2021


Great publication. Recensito 31 dicembre 2020


This is one of the top two woodturning publications that I know. It covers many of the current practices in turning. It is well edited and is a good value. Recensito 03 dicembre 2020

Articoli in questo numero

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