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Hobbies & Crafts

Model Airplane News Magazine

6 edições por ano   |  English
0 Comentários   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Scale Modelling)
From €7,00 por edição

Advancing the interests of remote-controlled (RC) aviation enthusiasts, Model Airplane News offers essential reading to those who are passionate about flying model planes. Reaching a global audience of RC flying aficionados, this bi-monthly digital magazine is packed with guidance that can improve performance and tutorials on how to create exciting, self-built aircraft.

Since the first issue landed way back in 1929, Model Airplane News has been dedicated to elevating flight capabilities, creating challenging yet entertaining build projects, and providing meticulously crafted tutorials for those who love to spend their free time piloting remote-controlled aircraft. Each issue features comprehensive strategies spanning fundamental to sophisticated aerobatics, as well as thorough evaluations of all the newest aircraft and gear.

Catering to hobbyists of all experience levels, budgets, and skill sets, a Model Airplane News digital subscription is an absolute must-have for individuals looking to propel their passion further.

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Model Airplane News

November / December 2024 Get the latest tips on custom decals, realistic cockpits, and hot picks for your collection. Dive into 95 years of inspiration and innovation, plus reviews on FMS Hobby's 80mm F-86 and Avios Super Tucano. Don't miss the monster B-52 Electric Stratofortress and decked out SuperCobra Attack Heli. Fly like a pro with expert techniques in the November/December 2024 issue.

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Edição digital única November / December 2024
9,99 / issue
Anual Assinatura digital €41,99 facturado anualmente
€7,00 / edição
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As poupanças são calculadas com base na compra comparável de edições únicas durante um período de subscrição anual e podem variar em relação aos montantes anunciados. Os cálculos destinam-se apenas a fins ilustrativos. As assinaturas digitais incluem a última edição e todas as edições regulares lançadas durante a sua assinatura, salvo indicação em contrário. O período escolhido será renovado automaticamente, exceto se for cancelado na área A minha conta até 24 horas antes do fim da assinatura atual.

Issue Cover

Model Airplane News  |  November / December 2024  

Get the latest tips on custom decals, realistic cockpits, and hot picks for your collection. Dive into 95 years of inspiration and innovation, plus reviews on FMS Hobby's 80mm F-86 and Avios Super Tucano. Don't miss the monster B-52 Electric Stratofortress and decked out SuperCobra Attack Heli. Fly like a pro with expert techniques in the November/December 2024 issue.
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Creating a comprehensive guide to remote-controlled aviation for almost a century, Model Airplane News is the must-have magazine for those who take their RC flying seriously. Catering to beginners, devoted hobbyists, and acrobatic experts alike, this bi-monthly digital magazine is full of guidance, advice, and exciting builds to try at home.

Covering all kinds of radio control aircraft, from backyard flyers to giant-scale planes, Model Airplane News navigates all disciplines to ensure its varied reader base has something to do and something to learn every time a new issue is downloaded to their device. Each issue is full to the brim with challenging but rewarding how-to articles, extensive product reviews, insights into modelling technology, and construction projects that all combine to help RC pilots pursue their passion.

A Model Airplane News digital magazine subscription gives enthusiasts a chance to improve their technique and learn more from the world's leading authority on radio control aviation and modelling.

Revel in the joys of RC flying - with a Model Airplane News digital magazine subscription. Here’s what you can expect in each exciting bi-monthly issue:

  • Latest remote control aviation news
  • Detailed product reviews
  • How-to tutorials
  • Exciting build projects to try at home
  • Guidance and advice on how to improve performance
  • Insights into modelling technology
  • Download the latest issue to your device instantly

Receberá 6 edições durante um ano Model Airplane News assinatura da revista.

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