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Guitarist Magazine

13 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
125 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Music (Practical & Playing)
From €2,61 pro Ausgabe

When it comes to guitars look no further than Guitarist Magazine! For over 30 years, this monthly magazine has been giving its readers all the latest news from the world of guitars, as well as expert tutorials, technique guides and in-depth product reviews of all the latest amps, effect and accessories on offer.

Within each issue of Guitarist Magazine, you’ll find exclusive features and interviews with some of the world’s most renowned players, including Jimmy Page, Joe Bonamassa, David Gilmour and Slash. Read about some of the world’s best and improve your own technique at the same time with expert advice you won't find anywhere else.

Whether you’re a player or just a lover of 6 strings and you’re looking for all things guitar, you need a digital subscription to Guitarist Magazine today! 

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November 2024 Get ready to rock all gigs with thr Guitarist magazine's latest issue. Featuring interviews with legends like Steve Cropper, Brian May, and Billy Gibbons, as well as exclusive insights into the iconic Rush guitar and Aerosmith's tone secrets.

Sofortiger Zugang

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Digitale Einzelausgabe November 2024
4,99 / issue
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€2,61 / Ausgabe
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Issue Cover

Guitarist  |  November 2024  

Get ready to rock all gigs with thr Guitarist magazine's latest issue. Featuring interviews with legends like Steve Cropper, Brian May, and Billy Gibbons, as well as exclusive insights into the iconic Rush guitar and Aerosmith's tone secrets.
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Whether you’re just starting out with your first guitar or you’ve been hamming the strings for years, no matter what your level, Guitarist Magazine is the perfect accompaniment to help improve your technique and develop your playing style. Each issue brings you expert tutorials from some of the world’s best players to help you perfect your technique and develop your talents.

Guitarist Magazine is jam-packed full of in-depth product reviews covering all the latest amps, effects, accessories and of course, the best new guitars to help you in your buying decisions and develop the perfect sound you’re looking for.

Each issue has exclusive features and interviews with some of the most renowned guitarists from around the world - from B.B. King to Jimi Hendrix to David Gilmour, Guitarist has featured them all!

So the next time you pick up your guitar make sure you have your latest copy of Guitarist Magazine at hand! Why not try a digital subscription today? 

Grab your digital subscription to Guitarist Magazine today and every month you can enjoy all of this:

  • Tutorials from some of the world’s greatest guitarists
  • In-depth reviews of all the latest guitar gear and accessories
  • Exclusive interviews and features with world-renowned players
  • Behind-the-scenes photography from inside the studio
  • Technique tips and master classes to help improve your playing style
  • The latest guitar news from around the world
  • The latest issue direct to your device every month
  • A discount off the RRP price

Sie erhalten 13 Ausgaben während eines 1-Jahres Guitarist Zeitschriftenabonnement.

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Basierend auf 125 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

Really entertaining

All of those interested in guitars will be entertained Überprüft 19 April 2022

Excellent magazine

All the best information with regard to guitar technology Überprüft 09 April 2022


I love the magazine but the company that handles your subscriptions is terrible Überprüft 04 Januar 2021


Great articles, beautiful guitars, and the tutorials are inspiring.
Best Guitar magazine for me.
Überprüft 26 Juli 2020


Love the information provided. Überprüft 22 Juni 2020

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