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Good Housekeeping Magazine

12 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
23 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Family & Home (Home Interest)
From €3,58 pro Ausgabe

Good Housekeeping is the essential magazine for the modern homemaker. Packed with delicious recipes, fresh tips on revamping your wardrobe, cultivating your garden and designing the ideal home. Overflowing with essential consumer advice and all the best reads of the month, from captivating fiction to the illuminating memoirs of the women you admire. Good Housekeeping magazine is a real lifestyle bible for women in all walks of life.

Join hundreds of thousands of women with a monthly digital magazine subscription to Good Housekeeping - the UK’s largest lifestyle magazine.

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Good Housekeeping

Nov-24 Emily Maitlis discusses the new Royal drama, leaving the BBC and having a very tolerant husband. Plus, fashion steals, and fantastic treats. Plus, exclusive interviews with James Middleton, Katie Piper, and more. Don't miss out on Jamie Oliver's one-tray wonders and Prue Leith's fuss-free favourites.

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Issue Cover

Good Housekeeping  |  Nov-24  

Emily Maitlis discusses the new Royal drama, leaving the BBC and having a very tolerant husband. Plus, fashion steals, and fantastic treats. Plus, exclusive interviews with James Middleton, Katie Piper, and more. Don't miss out on Jamie Oliver's one-tray wonders and Prue Leith's fuss-free favourites.
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Since its launch in 1885 by Clark W. Bryan, Good Housekeeping’s unflinching dedication to customer satisfaction has grown from its pages to the Good Housekeeping Research Institute, which trials every product featured to ensure the quality readers have come to expect. Of these, only the very best receive the coveted Good Housekeeping seal of approval - a nationally recognised stamp of quality.

With your Good Housekeeping digital subscription, you’ll find regular features on how to transform your home and garden into the oasis of tranquillity you deserve, as well as the best new products tested and certified by the Good Housekeeping Research Institute. Each monthly issue also includes captivating interviews with celebrities sharing their secrets to the good life and world-leading experts in beauty, fashion and design. Inside you can find the best seasonal recipes for all occasions and travel tips for your next magical getaway.

You deserve it! Treat yourself with a Good Housekeeping digital magazine subscription today - here’s what you’ll find in every monthly issue:

  • 200+ pages of unmissable advice for women on life, style, and creating the perfect home.
  • Real stories from readers about, family, relationships, and their homes
  • Exclusive interviews with inspiring women at the top of their field 
  • Guidance on all aspects of maintaining a home, including budgeting, organisation and family advice 
  • Reviews of recent book launches and special events
  • Answering your questions on mental and physical well-being as well as diet advice and overall health 
  • 27+ pages of recipes and cooking advice, including informed advice on the best seasonal produce.
  • Delivered direct to your device every month

Sie erhalten 12 Ausgaben während eines 1-Jahres Good Housekeeping Zeitschriftenabonnement.

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Basierend auf 23 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

Always good

A waiting room stalwart Überprüft 21 Januar 2023

High quality

Excellent read with a great deal for everyone interested in the topic Überprüft 19 April 2022

Great Housekeeping Mag

Great Housekeeping Mag good for keeping up with home ideas Überprüft 12 August 2020

Good Housekeeping

The British Good Housekeeping is the ideal magazine for the modern woman because the articles are interesting and often they bring news in important matters as health, environment and education. Überprüft 03 März 2020

Artikel in dieser Ausgabe

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