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Aviation & Transport

Flight Journal Magazine

6 edities per jaar   |  English
0 Beoordelingen   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
From €7,00 per uitgave

Flying high as the definitive guide to aviation - Flight Journal takes aerophiles on an expansive journey that soars above its competitors. Providing enthusiasts with a comprehensive guide to a wide variety of flying machines, Flight Journal traverses the illustrious past, the impressive present and the exciting future of flight.

Released six times a year, Flight Journal provides an exhilarating experience of aviation’s thrill and adventure through the eyes of pilots, experts, and historical figures. Each issue of this digital magazine celebrates the feats of engineering, the exploits of masterful navigators, and the advancement in technology that continues to evolve the flying experience today.

Packed with breathtaking photography, eye-opening historical images, detailed analysis of a vast selection of aeroplanes, and much more, a Flight Journal digital magazine subscription is sure to fascinate all types of flight fans.

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Flight Journal

November / December 2024 Experience the courage and resilience of WWII fighters, from iconic combat pilots to Medal of Honor recipients. Featuring stories of survival, victory, and the indomitable spirit of those who took to the skies.

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Beschikbare digitale aanbiedingen:

Enkele digitale editie November / December 2024
9,99 / issue
Jaarlijks Digitaal abonnement €41,99 jaarlijks gefactureerd
€7,00 / editie
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Krijg onbeperkte toegang tot Flight Journal en meer dan 600 andere geweldige titels. Vernieuwd bij €11,99 / maand na 30 dagen. Annuleer op elk gewenst moment. Meer informatie
Besparingen zijn berekend op de vergelijkbare aankoop van losse nummers over een abonnementsperiode op jaarbasis en kunnen afwijken van geadverteerde bedragen. Berekeningen dienen alleen ter illustratie. Digitale abonnementen omvatten het laatste nummer en alle reguliere nummers die tijdens uw abonnement verschijnen, tenzij anders vermeld. De door u gekozen termijn wordt automatisch verlengd, tenzij u tot 24 uur voor het einde van het lopende abonnement opzegt in de Mijn Account-zone.

Issue Cover

Flight Journal  |  November / December 2024  

Experience the courage and resilience of WWII fighters, from iconic combat pilots to Medal of Honor recipients. Featuring stories of survival, victory, and the indomitable spirit of those who took to the skies.
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Advancing the interests of aerophiles with a magazine dedicated to flight, Flight Journal prides itself on offering something different to other aviation magazines. Covering the world of flight from its humble beginnings to the high-tech and exciting future, Flight Journal offers a deeper understanding of all things aviation every time a new issue lands.

Compiled by a combination of pilots, technology experts, and those who contributed to the history of aviation, Flight Journal is a comprehensive guide that brings the stories of flight - past, present and future - to life. Extensively exploring the machines that graced the skies throughout history and taking a look into what lies ahead for all kinds of flying machines, Flight Journal offers essential reading to those looking to better understand the planes and the minds that got them airborne.

Packed with insightful articles on warplanes and their epic battles, unique air-to-air captures that push the boundaries of what's possible for aviation photography, and accounts from the pilots and teams that made iconic flying vessels their own - a Flight Journal digital magazine subscription is an absolute must-have for anyone looking to advance their aviation education.

Board the definitive guide to flight. Download the latest issue to your device today!

Find out more about the fascinating past, present and future of flight with a Flight Journal digital magazine subscription. Here’s what you can expect in each educational and engaging bi-monthly issue:

  • Latest aviation news
  • A deep dive into flights fascinating past
  • Articles from pilots, veterans, designers, engineers and more
  • Stunning photography
  • A fascinating look into the future of flight
  • Download the latest issue to your device instantly

Je ontvangt 6 edities gedurende een periode van 1 jaar Flight Journal abonnement op een tijdschrift.

Opmerking: Digitale edities bevatten niet de omslagitems of supplementen die je zou vinden bij gedrukte exemplaren.

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Artikelen in deze editie

Hieronder vindt u een selectie van artikelen in Flight Journal November / December 2024.

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