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RÜCKSTANDSVERKAUF  Riesige Rabatte auf ältere Ausgaben von Birdwatch Magazine

Birdwatch Magazine

12 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
72 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Wildlife)
From €6,67 pro Ausgabe
"Birdwatch is the UK’s leading monthly magazine for keen birders. It covers a huge range of wildlife topics, from species spotlights and illegal bird killing to conservation and the environment, as well as news from around the world.

If you want to brush up on your birding skills, our monthly Expert Advice section gives you tips on bird ID, which species to look for and where, as well as providing you with skills and knowledge to make you a better birder.

Each issue..
- Features in-depth identification guides
- Comprehensive round-ups of all the rare and scarce birds seen in Britain, Ireland and the wider Western Palearctic.
- Optics reviews
- Birding itineraries
- Detailed and expert tests on binocular, telescopes, digiscoping, tripods, books and many more birdwatching products."
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Birdwatch Magazine

November 2024 • THE RACE TO 600 The landscape of competitive British and Irish listing has come a long way since the 1980s, as Richard Bonser explains. • A TALE OF DECEIT David Campbell revisits the Hastings Rarities scandal, Britain’s most infamous case of ornithological fraud. • FLYING HIGH David Callahan visits the latest Bearded Vulture reintroduction project in Spain. • FIELD ID NOTES: VIS-MIG PASSERINES Arjun Dutta takes a look at several similarly shaped, medium-sized passerines that are moving this month. • AN ACCIDENTAL PARADISE Exceptional rainfall in winter 2023-24 led to incredible local birding opportunities for Josh Jones. • GREAT EXPANSION Dick Coombes reflects on the welcome addition of Great Spotted Woodpecker to Ireland’s breeding avifauna. • NEW WORLD WONDERS How to get involved with Neotropical Birding and Conservation.

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Digitale Einzelausgabe November 2024
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€6,67 / Ausgabe
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€7,66 / Ausgabe
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Issue Cover

Birdwatch Magazine  |  November 2024  

• THE RACE TO 600 The landscape of competitive British and Irish listing has come a long way since the 1980s, as Richard Bonser explains.
• A TALE OF DECEIT David Campbell revisits the Hastings Rarities scandal, Britain’s most infamous case of ornithological fraud.
• FLYING HIGH David Callahan visits the latest Bearded Vulture reintroduction project in Spain.
• FIELD ID NOTES: VIS-MIG PASSERINES Arjun Dutta takes a look at several similarly shaped, medium-sized passerines that are moving this month.
• AN ACCIDENTAL PARADISE Exceptional rainfall in winter 2023-24 led to incredible local birding opportunities for Josh Jones.
• GREAT EXPANSION Dick Coombes reflects on the welcome addition of Great Spotted Woodpecker to Ireland’s breeding avifauna.
• NEW WORLD WONDERS How to get involved with Neotropical Birding and Conservation.
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"Birdwatch is the UK’s leading monthly magazine for keen birders. It covers a huge range of wildlife topics, from species spotlights and illegal bird killing to conservation and the environment, as well as news from around the world.

If you want to brush up on your birding skills, our monthly Expert Advice section gives you tips on bird ID, which species to look for and where, as well as providing you with skills and knowledge to make you a better birder.

Each issue..
- Features in-depth identification guides
- Comprehensive round-ups of all the rare and scarce birds seen in Britain, Ireland and the wider Western Palearctic.
- Optics reviews
- Birding itineraries
- Detailed and expert tests on binocular, telescopes, digiscoping, tripods, books and many more birdwatching products."

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Sie erhalten 12 Ausgaben während eines 1-Jahres Birdwatch Magazine Zeitschriftenabonnement.

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Basierend auf 72 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

Best in class

One of the best magazines on this topic Überprüft 25 April 2022

Excellent quality

Great with regard as companion to the television programmes Überprüft 19 April 2022

Birdwatch Magazine

I look forward to each issue, love reading it. Überprüft 18 Juni 2020

Brilliant.... But!

This magazine app is excellent apart from a few teething problems the 'pocket mag' group appear to be having. The content & additional videos are worth it alone however, downloading & reopening the magazine on my ipad2 has been a problem... It has froze & failed to download on two separate occasions. An email to pocketmag quickly resolved the issue. A future 5star set up im sure once these minor issues have been resolved fully.... Überprüft 18 Januar 2013


This is a great magazine and a must for any bird fan Überprüft 23 November 2012

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