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Aviation & Transport

Air Traffic Management Magazine

4 Ausgaben pro Jahr   |  English
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From €5,75 pro Ausgabe
Air Traffic Management Magazine

Strategy, Technology and Management for the World's Most Global Industry

Now FREE for Registered Qualified Industry Personnel!

Established for over 15 years, Air Traffic Management is the only dedicated magazine which covers the ATM and CNS (Communications, Navigation & Surveillance) industry. Our in-depth coverage and unbiased independent analysis makes it widely regarded as the most influential and respected magazine within the industry.

Each quarterly issue offers hard-hitting, independent coverage about key aspects of the business. From the drive towards space-based air traffic management, to the integration of cockpit data link technology or the development of ground surveillance and precision-landing systems, our authoritative journalists always keep you informed of changes in this crucial market. Every issue contains a no-holds barred interview with a senior ATM or CNS figure and regular news coverage on key staff changes around the world, the latest technological developments and details of major business contracts won.

PLEASE NOTE: you may be required to register and update your details on a periodical basis to continue to receive free of charge.

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Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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Air Traffic Management

Issue 3 2024 FUTURE RESILIENCE Sustainability, cost, efficiency and cybersecurity ACCELERATING TBO Dr Todd Citron, senior VP and CTO of Boeing, shares his thoughts on trajectory-based operations EUROPEAN ANSP CHALLENGES Alex Bristol, CEO of Skyguide, discusses the challenges facing European ANSPs EXECUTIVE Q&A Mark Cooper, VP and chief technology and information officer of NAV CANADA THE FUTURE OF UTM Revolution or evolution? ATM AWARDS BACK FOR 2024

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Issue Cover

Air Traffic Management  |  Issue 3 2024  

Sustainability, cost, efficiency and cybersecurity

Dr Todd Citron, senior VP and CTO of Boeing, shares his thoughts on trajectory-based operations

Alex Bristol, CEO of Skyguide, discusses the challenges facing European ANSPs

Mark Cooper, VP and chief technology and information officer of NAV CANADA

Revolution or evolution?

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Air Traffic Management Magazine

Strategy, Technology and Management for the World's Most Global Industry

Now FREE for Registered Qualified Industry Personnel!

Established for over 15 years, Air Traffic Management is the only dedicated magazine which covers the ATM and CNS (Communications, Navigation & Surveillance) industry. Our in-depth coverage and unbiased independent analysis makes it widely regarded as the most influential and respected magazine within the industry.

Each quarterly issue offers hard-hitting, independent coverage about key aspects of the business. From the drive towards space-based air traffic management, to the integration of cockpit data link technology or the development of ground surveillance and precision-landing systems, our authoritative journalists always keep you informed of changes in this crucial market. Every issue contains a no-holds barred interview with a senior ATM or CNS figure and regular news coverage on key staff changes around the world, the latest technological developments and details of major business contracts won.

PLEASE NOTE: you may be required to register and update your details on a periodical basis to continue to receive free of charge.

For more information, visit

Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

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